You’ve heard the saying, “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” True, but if you never shoot, you also never miss. The best way to be great at everything you do, is to only do things you’re great at. Let that sink in for a second… seriously, it’s genius. #LifeHack
So… putting aside how this life strategy stinks, the reality is that it’s not even possible. Parents are required to do things that are uncomfortable, challenging, and outside of our natural gifting every day. But we all want to be great parents, it’s not an area we want to bungle up.
And that brings me to a simple truth about every one of us: Every human being has a deep innate desire for greatness. Why? Because God created every single one of us to be great! You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Period.
In his historical fiction book Song of War, Cliff Gram says, “You are born with glory inside of you. Every man has courage and honor in his soul. Yahweh awakens it, and you worship him with it.” That’s why it’s critically important to begin every day setting our focus on the one thing that will actually unlock the success within us: Our relationship with God.
If Yahweh, the God of the Universe, the intimate creator of you and me, awakens our greatness, then He is the best, no, the only place to start every single day.
Now yes, some people love to rise before the sun and have hours of quiet to partake in the Word of God through deep Bible study. And while that is incredible, that’s a minority of people. So how can everyone else realistically begin the day with the God who wants to awaken your parenting greatness?
Read a devotional. It can be paper or an e-devo. It can be three pages, or a verse and three sentences. Length isn’t the important factor, intentional focus on God is. I read my devo in the mornings with one eye… it’s the only eye open, and it’s on God before I ever get out of the bed.
Pick out, memorize, and daily repeat a “life verse.” A verse that speaks to who you are, who you want to be, and/or who God is . It’s like the track on the monorail at Disney World. A life verse can safely and effectively guide you and transport you to where you want to be.
Create a mantra. Develop a set of statements you speak and repeat over yourself, your day, and your life. Think of it as a mashup of your favorite verses and truths that God has spoken to inspire you to be everything God created you to be.
Dare to take it a step further. Fill your mornings with scripture. Every day, mid-morning, my friend Dennis, who just turned 70, texts me a verse. It’s the perfect reminder to pause, and focus on the source of all greatness. The source of any greatness inside of me waiting to be awakened.
God wants you to be a great Dad. God wants you to be an amazing Mom. God is waiting to help unlock the greatness he has already placed inside of you. Look to Him, and let Him work.